The teenage years form one of the most important parts of anyone’s life in terms of learning new things and going through experiences that shape an individual’s personality. Parenting a teen can be a daunting task, given how raw their emotions can be, and how they are struggling to find their own path and come to terms with the challenges of life. However, you can help your teen get on the right track with your guidance and here are a few things to keep in mind when you try to handle his/her relationship problems.

Try reaching out to your teen

Most teens won’t talk about their relationship problems openly but you can notice changes in their behavior. If your teen appears distraught and stressed you should try talking to him/her, but do so in private and not in front of other family members so that your teen feels more comfortable opening up. Even if you know that he/she is facing relationship problems, try to be patient with your teen.

Take him/her seriously

It might be nothing more than a small, trivial fight, but you should not mock or embarrass your teen after he/she confides in you. Even if you think it is no big deal and is not worth the fuss, maintain a serious attitude and listen attentively. Remember, teens are emotionally quite hyper, and while you might think his/her issue is nothing to worry about, he/she might actually be very distressed over it.

Do not say anything negative

While you might naturally feel like accusing or blaming your teen’s partner, it is not the best way to go about this. If you badmouth or say negative things about your teen’s significant other, you will risk creating a rift between yourself and your son/daughter. Your job here is to simply listen and give advice, not to blame, accuse or take control of things and start making decisions.

Don’t enforce decisions

It is common for parents to feel concerned over their child’s wellbeing, but if you try and enforce things or make decision on his/her behalf, the move is likely to backfire on you. Teens can be very sensitive, especially in matters related to relationships, and need to make their own choices. The best you can do is watch over them and make sure they feel free to talk to you about what is on their mind. This way you can keep a check on them and offer advice, rather than distancing them and effectively shutting the door of communication between you two.