We all want to eat and lose weight and that too quickly. Luckily for us, there are certain natural fat burners that allow us to lose weight just by including them in our daily intake.

How natural fat burners work?

Metabolism is a process through which food is converted into energy and greater its rate, more will be the energy produced and that only means burning of more fat. The natural fat burners are foods and herbs that stimulate metabolism, reduce appetite and trick the body making use stored fat as energy. Here is a list of some of the more famous and readily accessible fat burners.


Pears have high fibre content and lesser calories. Thus when we eat is stomach signal the brain that it is filled. It is ideal to eat them before meals.



Grapefruit is another example of fruit diet. Eating half a grapefruit before each meal can help us lose weight. This is due to a grapefruit compound that regulates insulin, which in turn helps to burn fat.



You can eat almonds as healthy snacks between meals or mixing them with yogurt.


Bitter Chocolate

Believe it or not, eating a little bitter chocolate a day helps to prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body, through the action of natural antioxidants.

Bitter Chocolate


Beans ressitente have large amounts of starch, a powerful natural fat burner that will help you lose up to 25 % more weight. While it can cause flatulence, there are ways to prevent gas caused by this food.


Green tea

We’ve talked a lot about the benefits of green tea. With substances like caffeine and catechin, green tea has powerful thermogenic properties that help speed up metabolism and burn fat. It also has a less stimulating than coffee, and a lot of antioxidant effect.

Green Tea


It has been traditionally used to reduce appetite and increase endurance. In addition, guarana is a stimulant of the nervous system and a powerful natural fat burner.


Yerba mate

Used mostly in South America, yerba mate stimulates metabolism, improves concentration and reduces fatigue.



The cayenne is a type of hot pepper, which speeds up our metabolism, improves circulation of blood as well as increase the body temperature.

Cayenne hor pepper


This soluble fiber help us clean our body of waste, improve blood sugar levels , and also makes us feel full longer.



This wonderful fruit controls levels of blood sugar, which helps us feel full for a longer period of time.



Although excessive drinking can be bad, coffee has caffeine, a metabolic accelerator that helps us burn fat naturally.



Especially spicier mustard varieties allow us to burn fat fast, between 20 and 25% for several hours.



Potatoes have large amounts of fiber and potassium, which help improve the cardiovascular system, feel full and therefore eat less.



Spinach not only lowers cholesterol, but also improves your metabolism, helping you to discard all the weight you do not need.


It is pertinent to remember that these natural fat burners do not result in miracles alone, but must accompany a healthy diet and exercise.

Image Courtesy: en.wikipedia.org

Image Courtesy: diet.lovetoknow.com