In order to spice up your daily yoga routine, you need start using yoga balls. The use of these balls has a positive effect on the body’s balance, endurance and the overall core strength. For resistance training, the use of yoga balls is just what you require, as when training with a rounded object, your muscles will be constantly under strain to sustain a steady position. The best thing about this exercise is that you do not require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Exercises with the yoga ball can be performed very easily in the comfort of your home. Keep reading to learn some of the exercises you can perform with a yoga ball.

Yoga Ball Push-Up

Step 1

In the first step you need to lie down with your stomach on the yoga ball.

Step 2

Next you need to place your hands firmly on the ground to hold the torso up.

Step 3

You now need to lower your torso down to the ground by bending your arms. You need to go as low as possible; however, you should be able to push yourself back up from that particular point. This exercise will put a lot of strain on the elbow, so you need to be stronger in the arms to carry this out. This exercise will get easier with time. Initially there is a mighty chance that you will only be able to do one or two push-ups, however, with time you will be able to do more, so do not burden or push yourself as that will cause injury.

Yoga Ball Thigh Blaster

Step 1

For this exercise your need to begin by positioning the yoga ball against a wall, and then holding it in place with your back while facing the opposite direction.

Step 2

Now hold the ball steady and squat down. You need to get low, in a position such that your thighs are parallel to the ground, while keeping the calves perpendicular to the thighs at the same time.

Step 3

Once you achieve the perfect position, you need to hold it for about ten second and then go back to the standing position.

Step 4

After taking a short break you need to repeat the exercise as many times as you can.

Yoga Ball Quad Builder

Step 1

Begin by standing with your legs spread wide almost equal to the width of your shoulders. For stability in your stance it is recommended that you angle the toes outwards.

Step 2

Grab the ball and then lift it above your head as high as possible.

Step 3

Now holding your position you now need to squat down till the time your thighs are parallel to the surface you are standing on, move back to the standing position now. Your motion needs to be slow as going any faster will take away the strain from the quads. This exercise is only useful if you place maximum strain on the quads.